Halloween Story Problems

We are learning the “key words” for addition and subtraction. I made up a pocket chart with the different words we have come across as we do our story problem for the day.

Here’s our cute Halloween Bulletin Board with our story problems under the cute art…..

I love these little ghosties flying around….

The kids got really good at making up their own. So we used some cute Halloween themed paper and started writing word problems using some of the characters seen on Halloween.

In this story the skeletons “sprout kitty wings!” So funny! 

Word Problems….mixing math and art….

 Then we had the kids take turn reading their story problems to the class. Everybody got out their whiteboards and tried to figure the problems.

We put some cute Halloween Scenes on top and made a cute bulletin board.  See more of them HERE on an earlier post.

They turned out really funny. Some are very challenging too. When we had at least 5 hands raised we picked somebody to tell the answers. If they were correct they got a gummy bear. Then they got to come up and read their problem. And on we went.

Halloween Story Problems

It was lots of fun. And everybody got a lot better at understanding the difference between IN ALL, HAVE LEFT, ALTOGETHER, HOW MANY MORE, AND TOTAL. YUP!

Halloween Art


My favorite Halloween Scene in my living room at home….

We made a cute Halloween yard scene using white picket fences on black. We curled 1/4 inch strips x 5 inches into circle curls and then glued them sideways into pumpkin shapes.

Here’s our Halloween Bulletin Board….we wrote word problems underneath…..

 It was tedious for little fingers so we only worked on it for about 20 minutes each morning right before recess. We finished them in about 3 days.

 The Spiderwebs we cut out kind of like snowflakes. We got the template from Martha Stewart Crafts on a special Halloween decorating edition she did. I found it last summer when I was perusing craft websites like I do in the summer to plan for the next year’s art projects….(being an art minor I have an obsession kind of….snicker).  The link to her tutorial and template (just click on the word template in her first paragraph) is HERE at Martha Stewart Crafts.

 Then we made different moon shapes. Some made full moons, some shaped like bananas. Saige and Trace have some neato scenes too! 

Then we added black yarn spiders and glittery pom pom spiders with colorful wiggly eyes. It was kinda hard to glue the eyes on because of all the glittery tinsel sticking out of the pom poms, so I might not buy that type of pom pom again next year. 😀

Matt took a lot of time on his…it looks great too! 

I got my supplies from Joannes Crafts.  Wiggly eyes come in all sorts of colors, as do the pom poms.
The ones I had were glittery looking pom poms. Maybe next year I will use regular ones, without the tinsel spikes all over.

 Colorful wiggly eyes make those spiders POP! 

We used plain black yarn….I liked the longer spider arm lengths better than the shorter ones. Next time I’ll give kids maybe 5 inch lengths with 4 pieces each instead of the 3 1/2 inch lengths. Longer spider legs looked cooler I thought.

I loved Gavin’s spider…..longer yarn  length was a better look! 

Hi Addie! Yours is cool too! 

 There was a little frustration on having eyes fall off over and over before they finally stayed STUCK! It turned out really cute.  

Allie is proud of her scene….

My kiddos are really proud of their Halloween Scenes!  

Oh yeah….these turned out cool! What do ya think?  



 S stands for SAFE INSIDE AND OUT.  O stands for ON TIME AND ON TASK. 


I thought of a way to use an art project to get the kids talking about the SOAR RULES and what they really mean…..

First we read a story called “How Do Dinosaurs Go to School”.  It has lots of dos and don’ts that kids need to have retaught again and again. 

If you want to check out the book I read…..The LINK is HERE.

Then we made our own  speech bubbles and little buses made from egg carton tops to show SCHOOL RULES. We added wheels of black and white construction paper with brads for the metal part.  We made stop signs from a yellow pattern block hexagon…. (Easier than trying to make octagons)

Then we had our pictures taken by Brynlin’s mom with a yellow paper backing. I kind of had the kids sit like they would in a bus, looking to the right.  I copied those off in the computer lab on the color printer 10 on a page (2 x 3 setting) and cut them out. 

Then the kids picked pictures from a big pile on the table of their “new” friends to add to their own bus, up to 5 friends each onto a strip of black construction paper.  Then we painted the egg cartons yellow and added our “Sunrise School Bus” signs and SOAR signs, the buses and wheels.  They turned out fun. 

But the best part was the writing activity we did afterwards.  This is how they interpreted the rules of school.  I thought they came up with some really great thoughts about how to respect things and others and to do their best at being safe and on time and on task at school.  We have some really creative kids here don’t we? 

Favorite Football Teams! Go Team!

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Make your own scrapbook design

Today we wrote about our favorite football teams. We have a little rivalry in the 2 colleges nearby where we live, BYU and University of Utah. And they had their college rivalry game this past weekend.

Kids’ favorite football teams…..

There were cheerleaders with pom poms 

And football players with cleats and footballs…

 The boys had to have some footballs and cleats, the girls made pom poms and they all put together their stretch legs and arms. Aren’t they fun?

And look at all those footballs!

Everybody wears red or blue for the weekend BIG GAME!  (I guess the University of Utah Utes slaughtered the BYU Cougars, sniff, sniff) (I bleed blue…alma mater)

Don’t you love all our football “vocabulary?” 

Then I took their pictures and we glued them to helmets or “hair” and put numbers or letters on our football or cheer jerseys. It turned out really nice.  So did their “Football” writing.

Ty and Trace are really good friends…..but definite rivals  when it comes to football teams! 

 I think looking at all the colors that there is a definite winner in our classroom, UTAH UTES! We’ve sure got a lot of red football players and cheerleaders here!

Gavin isn’t into the college teams as much…he likes the PROS! 

 There is so much community involvement here and it is fun to watch. I am not that fond of  football, but even the kids around our school get into it! They all were wearing their “Red Utah” or “Blue BYU” t shirts on Friday sporting their favorite teams.

Flint liked a team from Wyoming….

Se we decided it would be fun to do some Football player and cheerleader art to go with writing about our fav teams.  They turned out funny and cute.


HERE is a Football Printable

football helmet printables football helmet printables HERE

So who do you think will be in the Super Bowl this year? Hmmm?

Favorite Football Teams! Go Team!

Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook
Create your own scrapbook - Powered by Smilebox
Make your own scrapbook design

Today we wrote about our favorite football teams. We have a little rivalry in the 2 colleges nearby where we live, BYU and University of Utah. And they had their college rivalry game this past weekend.

Kids’ favorite football teams…..

There were cheerleaders with pom poms 

And football players with cleats and footballs…

 The boys had to have some footballs and cleats, the girls made pom poms and they all put together their stretch legs and arms. Aren’t they fun?

And look at all those footballs!

Everybody wears red or blue for the weekend BIG GAME!  (I guess the University of Utah Utes slaughtered the BYU Cougars, sniff, sniff) (I bleed blue…alma mater)

Don’t you love all our football “vocabulary?” 

Then I took their pictures and we glued them to helmets or “hair” and put numbers or letters on our football or cheer jerseys. It turned out really nice.  So did their “Football” writing.

Ty and Trace are really good friends…..but definite rivals  when it comes to football teams! 

 I think looking at all the colors that there is a definite winner in our classroom, UTAH UTES! We’ve sure got a lot of red football players and cheerleaders here!

Gavin isn’t into the college teams as much…he likes the PROS! 

 There is so much community involvement here and it is fun to watch. I am not that fond of  football, but even the kids around our school get into it! They all were wearing their “Red Utah” or “Blue BYU” t shirts on Friday sporting their favorite teams.

Flint liked a team from Wyoming….

Se we decided it would be fun to do some Football player and cheerleader art to go with writing about our fav teams.  They turned out funny and cute.


HERE is a Football Printable

football helmet printables football helmet printables HERE

So who do you think will be in the Super Bowl this year? Hmmm?


A poster I made up of how a fossil is formed….using dinosaur bones as our topic….kids LOVE  dinos so much! 

 In our Science rotation our class is learning about Rocks and fossils from Mrs. Bray. The students made conglomerate “sedimentary” rocks by adding sand and pebbles to a clear cup and adding glue. It was really creative and fun!

This week we made plaster of paris fossils of dinosaurs and shells. 
Product Details
Fossils of Long Ago book on Amazon is HERE.
Here’s a close up of our fossils…..

 On online interative game with dinosaurs and fossils and how a fossil is formed can by played HERE at ABC Net.

I’ve collected lots of fossils and books on fossils and dinosaurs  over the years… 

 A cool website for fossil activities is HERE at Valdosta. They have lots of good info on fossils.

Some books and microscope slides I have at our fossil center….Students love looking through our mini microscopes….

Everybody’s fossils look a little bit different…

 Mrs. Moss has real fossils and tons of dinosaur and fossil books at our Science Center.

Doesn’t it look like a lot of fun? Well…yeah…it was.   

Skiing for Teamwork

On Thursday we did a teamwork exercise for P.E. We used the school “skis” and had teams of 2 try to work together to get from one side of the gym to another.

As you can imagine is was hysterical to watch.  Some kids got pretty good at it by hollering “left, right, left right”.

 Some others had fun trying it alone….. even if their partners gave up. 
It made us all laugh because if is pretty challenging…..

It was tough at first! 

Brynlin and Andrew got pretty good at it! 

So did Saige and Nova…..

Peter and Flint were going pretty fast! 

We switched partners about 10 times.  It was a fun time.  And it made us all laugh! It’s hard to be a great team….but practice makes anything easier!

Whooooo is in our Classroom?

We just finished our 2nd week of school and we also finished a very cool bulletin board and writing and art project on OWLS! 

I gave the students lots of materials and gave them a “feather” shape to trace…and  several “masks” for owl faces to choose from (Barn owls have heart shaped faces, burrowing owls look more like a mask….

Here is a great introductory video on owls. I like that it has text for the kids to read, great music, and shows the owl in a natural habitat, eating, and flying around. It is a little more than a minute.

Then they added feathers and wiggly eyes…..

This is one of my favorite authors for Science. Gail Gibbons’ books are great for kids…..

This video talks about the great snowy owl who can reside in the Artic cold. It has some great footage and only about 3 minutes. There is great narration that kids will enjoy too.

I got the idea from a cool website called THAT ARTIST WOMAN
She had done a similar owl that we looked at online before starting. Her website is HERE.
She is an art teacher for elementary kids. She is a master….
I collected a bunch of twigs from my front lawn during the last windstorm…
I had some scrapbook papers in plaid, some tan material and we added dots to some of the papers….
Owl Babies video link. This video shows burrowing owls in a tree with 3 babies and a mother. It has no narration, just sounds of nature. It shows the mother hunting at night and eating worms and insects. It is about 3 minutes. 
Ours turned out pretty good too! 

I freehanded an owl on newsprint for a basic pattern for each student. They did all the rest. Some added “talons” for feet. Others drew them with markers. Most added the twigs and a beak.

My kids were creative with their reports on Owls too….

I loved reading them…..

Don’t you love their captions?

This owl was very fuzzy! 

All of them looked so different! 

Some added moons……

Very colorful Owls…..

After reading several books and a weekly reader we wrote facts on a giant owl….

And then students wrote their own 2 page reports on owls.  Did you know there are more than 200 varieties? How about that some live inside cactus? (yeah….I didn’t either!) But I DO think our owls were a HOOT! 

The 2nd Half Hour of Our School Day.

The 2nd half hour of the day I do the “Practice Book” out of the Houghton Mifflin Literature Basal series. Lots of teachers don’t use it but I think it is valuable. We do it every day and read the stories in the book once a week. There is tons of comprehension practice in there, lots of language and grammar, and almost everything in your scope and sequence for Language Arts.
Houghton Mifflin Reading Practice Book: Level 2.1

If, for instance, I need to practice antonyms, there are a few practice pages in the book  and if I need to go deeper for understanding I can, but it helps remind me what else I still have not taught yet. It’s good for that “checklist” of things you need to cover.  Plus my kids can easily learn to tear the pages out on their own. I don’t understand why teachers feel they must tear out all the pages for kids. They can learn to do anything you teach them over and over how to do. A link to a fun ANTONYM GAME is HERE from S.W.Laurie at Crestview School.

The 3rd  half hour of the day I have the kids get out a chalkboard. I repaint these 9 x 11 boards about every other year with a $5.00 jar of green chalkboard paint. I buy lots of colorful chalk and white chalk. The bribe is…..do a good job and you can come pick some hot pink or lime green chalk to use. Then we do double digit math with regrouping or we do 4 spelling words in a word family “chunk” to practice phonics and sounds. Or some days we might do a little MATH AND PHONICS AND SPELLING!

For instance, we might be working on sh and th. I will have them do a word family like “ine”. We will write down all the words we can think of with the” ine” chunk and we will go over the “teacher sound” which is SH for sh!  Then we will go over the “tongue cooler” sound which is TH.  Kids learn all the digraphs in the first 2 weeks of my class by doing it every single day for 10 to 15 minutes on chalkboards.

I have them draw a criss cross on the board (a vertical and then horizontal line so there are 4 areas to write 4 words. Then I call out words, “shine, thine, fine, brine” etc. I sound out slowly and ask kids “what is the 2nd sound you hear. That’s right an R. What is the 3rd sound you hear? That’s right, a short i sound.

They get better at segmenting each phoneme and then we move to 2 syllable words (clapping and snapping syllables) and then 3 and 4 as the year progresses.   I add prefixes and suffixes like “ed, ing, er, able, re, dis,  un,” etc. By mid year my first graders could write words like “under-stand-able” with ease and tell me how many syllables. When you teach them to segment first each sound, and then syllables, and then prefixes and suffixes, they start to see how easy spelling can be.

Last thing we do every day in the morning is a writing mini lesson on something I’ve seen the kids do the previous day.  I might show a sample of great writing from the day before, or give some examples on the board of mistakes I saw.  We talk about them, set some verbal goals for the day (today I want everyone to write 3 adjectives in their reports on Owls.  Can you do it?

Then before 10:00 rolls around we have covered Language, Grammar, Spiral Review and Word Problems in math, Comprehension strategies and spelling, phonics and story vocabulary practice. We read the basal once a week and do a writing mini lesson. After recess we start writing workshop and guided reading.  It’s always routine in the morning and we do some of our hardest work then.