I had a birthday on Monday and my daughter Tiffany hosted a birthday party for me Monday night. I went to lunch with the hubs so it was fun to not worry about anything food for an entire day!
Halloween decorations on the table were so cute….Tiff put a glass inside of this jar and then surrounded it with the candy corn. She didn’t really buy 100 pounds of candy. |
She is a master at these delicious bread bowls. The recipe is at Jamie Cooks it up HERE. |
She made these wonderful, homemade bread bowls and some delicious creamy soup. Then she had my all time favorite spinach salad with strawberries and avocados and candied pecans. Can you spell Y-U-M-M-Y?
Gotta love the chairs all decorated like Halloween pumpkins…. |
Yummy spinach salad is one of my favorites… |
My birthday cake was a strawberry cheesecake. It was so pretty and delish! My little granddaughter had cheesecake face. :O
Strawberry cheesecake…..Yes those are 4 CANDLES…..Yeah…I’m only turning 40 now. Woo Hoo! |
Yum, I like that cheesecake stuff grandma! Marisa has cheesecake face…. |
It was so fun to be spoiled. And my son-in-law likes Halloween like I like Halloween.
He’s going to add lots of spiderwebs and scary dudes hanging from ropes and stuff…. |
Here is the beginnings of his graveyard….the spooks are even coming out of the window wells to a strobe light. He still has to hang a few ghouls from a noose and a few more tombstones.
Marisa and Meg hung the little ghosties in the tree…so cute! |
It’s gonna be the neighborhood fun stop for sure. I better go get all my stuff out too!