We had so much fun on our field trip….and learned A LOT! |
Learning from a geologist…. |
Learning how to pan for gold…. |
This was as much fun to watch as it was to do! |
We got to take home a bag of rocks with a match quiz |
panning for gold was fun! |
Learning from the paleontologists…. |
Saige in a dinosaur footprint! |
Being taught by a real geologist…. |
More rocks …. |
They looked through microscopes, had black lights tests on rocks…acid tests on rocks too… |
They had to guess what type of rocks these were…. |
Looking at hardness levels of rocks…diamond is last of course. |
She was showing an acid tests on rocks… |
Close up of the panning for gold tanks….I think this was the kids’ favorite! |
Lots of dinosaur bones…real ones and plaster castes that were painted… |
She was showing the kids all types of fossils…. |
This was the EROSION lesson…super cool! |
They loved watching this bridge capsize when the hose rained down too hard! |
Andrew got quite a catch of rocks panning for jewels and gold! |
Close up of the minerals they got to keep and take home from panning for gold. |
He tested us on the 3 types of rocks….it was hard! |
Lots of fossils everywhere…..He Mrs. Moss has one like this in our classroom! |
So many cool exhibits and things to touch, horns, teeth, jawbones… |
Each area was hands on and had things to discover and read…. |
Then we had lunch at a fun park here in Sandy. What a great day. The best part was they gave each student a bag of 12 rocks and a page describing each rock to try and match up definitions and colors. How did you do on your little match quiz? All the teachers were given a Rock Poster too! So cool of them! We had a great day at the Utah Geological Survey. Thanks for doing Earth Week once a year.