Colored Eggs and Sidewalk Chalk

 For our Easter Party this year we did something different. Since I have most of my class from last year I decided to do some colored eggs and baskets, and then go outside and do some sidewalk chalk. It was a perfect day too.

We made little Easter baskets with chicks inside….

We colored eggs…

Addie drew some Easter bunnies…

 I was surprised how much the kids loved their little baskets with the little fuzzy chickie inside.

Emma drew Easter eggs and chicks….
We made baskets out of our lunchtime milk cartons…..
We washed them out…filled them with Easter grass…..

Then we colored some hard boiled eggs Mrs. Moss brought to school……

Then we put handles on our little baskets and decorated them up…..

Everybody picked a bunny, made strips of grass too…..

We wrapped these strips of “grass” around our milk cartons…then added cute egg  and bunny cutouts to them…

Matt made a giant, pastel, ice cream cone….
Finished Easter baskets ready to hold our colored eggs….

Brynlin made so many cute things…the chalk was very bright and colorful! 

Here are all the guys proud of their baskets! 

Zach made a cute Easter Bunny….all the kids that came out after school saw our chalk  creations….
Here little chicky chicky….

Easter Cards went home to parents too….

We wrote parent letters for inside the cute cards too. They were very nice. I think they will be a fun surprise on Easter morning!  

Easter Letters to Parents

They were cute with the cards on top….

Trace made a really pretty Easter egg! 
Nova made some Easter eggs and Spring Flowers….

Happy Spring Break everybody! 
I hope the principal liked our sidewalk chalk art…cuz we forgot to ask if it was okay! Oops! 

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