Halloween parties for young kids are easy if you do them in centers or rotations. Here are the ones I’ve done for the last 10 years or so in my classroom.
1. Bingo using candy corn counters
2. A craft of some sort (Tootsie Roll Pop ghosts is a good one or making a pony bead orange, black and white bracelet on pipe cleaners is good too).
3. Decorate a pumpkin cookie using orange icing and lots of sprinkles, chocolate chips and candy corn for eyes and smiles.
4. Tic Tac Toe
5. Pin the Spider on the Web OR Ring Toss Spider just use black construction paper spiders and draw a giant web on orange poster board or butcher paper). Or buy a ring toss game or Pin the Nose on the Pumpkin game Here.
6. Bean Bag Toss into a large wood pumpkin.
7. Some years I have done Hot Potato Pumpkin with a soft stuffed pumpkin and Halloween Monster Mash music. When out go pick a treat.
These all work well with K-3 kids and older.
CENTER 1 – BOO BINGO with Candy Corn as Markers. You’ll need prizes for each center.
Every year I do a bingo game as the first center. In these little black cups are candy corn erasers we used for counters to mark our bingo places. Some years I use real candy corns but with all the kids handling them I don’t want them eating them so erasers in candy corn shapes work better. I think I had lack cats and pumpkins too. |
CENTER 2 – CRAFTS (Tootsie Roll Pop Ghosts is a good one)
This was a cute “Decorate the Monster Face” center I got from the Dollar Store. I think it had 6 different monsters and lots of eyeballs, smiles and noses and stuff. Each child got to pick one and decorate the face. They loved them. |
CENTER 3 – PUMPKIN COOKIE DECORATING. I add sprinkles, choc chips etc.
Each year I do cookie decorating. I have quite a selection of sprinkles and candies to do it with too. |
The kids love to add M and Ms and candy corn and chocolate chips for faces.
This year they put their cookies on this cute napkin. Inside were 4 pieces of paper to write a scary story when they got done. We also made “ghost suckers” out of these tootsie roll pops. You just pass out white tissues, and a piece of orange yarn. They tie the tissue around the yarn and add a ghost face with the oval open mouth and dot eyes. Easy peasy. |
GOODIE BAG ART TO START THE PARTY We started the day decorating our bags. I have 5 different designs I have hand drawn. There is a skeleton, a witch, a frankinstein, a vampire, and a candy corn. They color, cut out and glue them on a brown paper bag. This is their goodie bag they’ll take around to each center. |
I looked at a few coloring page and then freehand drew these cute little Halloween guys. |
Here are the Frankie, candy corn and skeletons |
Here is the witch and more frankies.
I made a tic tac toe center game out of cardstock. I found these matching skeleton tablecloth and erasers at Target for really cheap like $3.00 for the erasers and $5.00 for the wipe off tablecloth. The kids loved playing tic tac toe. I made 3 game boards for 6 kids to partner up. There were plenty of colors of erasers. We had orange, blue, purple pink and green. |
Here is a close up of one of the games being played. |
Here is another team playing on the pink board using green and orange erasers.
The last center was a pin the spider on the web center as well as Pumpkin Bean Bag Toss. I have found over the years that it doesn’t take long for you to finish a group of 5 kids on the pin the spider game and they get bored of the bean bag after about 8 minutes of it. So I combined them. The kids get to do each one and the beanbag is fun to watch as well as the pin the spider.

Here is the bean bag toss game. The bean bags are black felt bats and orange felt pumpkins filled with beans. A mom helper made them for me many years ago. My hubs made the wooden pumpkin. .
I had a few moms who brought darling treats for our Halloween Party. Thanks to Hunter’s mom for the CUTE PUMPKIN COOKIES! The kids ate them after lunch and were in heaven. |
 Monster face glazed donuts were a real hit with the first graders in my class. |
And to top it off it was a birthday over the weekend so one mom brought in donuts! We were really sugared up when we went home. Happy Halloween Everybody! I hope you get lots of good treats! |