Don’t you LOVE handprint art done by kids? It is the CUUUUUTEST! Every year I make these “Santa” handprints and we write letters to Santa Claus. We always tell him how “good” we have been to butter him up for our requests!
Santa Handprints and Letters to Santa Claus done by Kindergarteners are super cute! |
This year nobody asked for anything outrageous. Mostly they asked for 1 gift. I liked that. I’m sure Santa will too. 😀
Dear Santa, We have been GOOD this year. For Christmas I want a…….(lots of good sight word practice is showing up here). HERE is a link to lots of “Dear Santa” books from Amazon too. |
Letters to Santa. We have been GOOD Santa! Don’t ya know? |
Here are some of our letters. The paper I got inside of a Scholastic book of stationery like this one HERE at Amazon. You can get it for a penny now! Woot!
My kinders are getting really good at letters now. We practice our writing every single day. |
Letters to Santa are always so cute. The top is a couple of gingerbread men and some candy canes to color. |
Everybody did a great job on their Santa Letters and Santa Handprints. I love them on our bulletin board outside our door! |
Letters to Santa. I hope we are not on the naughty list!! |
I used blue, red and green, glitter glue for the sparkly stars. You just paint the fingers white, the middle palm peachy, and the thumb area and base of palm red, for the Santa hat.
All We Want for Christmas bulletin board outside in the school hall looks pretty cute. |
We’ve been seeing a lot of Santa this month. My granddaughters on the “Polar Express” in Lindon, Utah. They had fun chatting with him. |
This little one wants a drum set. She drew a picture of it for Santa so he doesn’t forget. So cute. |
Santa Handprints will look so cute in our writing portfolio for the year! Along with our Santa letters of course! I hope everybody gets the things on their list this year! |
After white handprints are dry, just dip a fingertip in white 2 times for Santa’s white mustache, 1 fingertip white for the white pom pom on Santa’s hat tip, and 5 little white fingertips on the bottom rim of the Santa hat. Then dip little dots from the wooden top of a paintbrush for the 2 round eyes and a red nose. I did the eyes in geen this year. If you use green paper background I’d do the eyes blue.
We did blue eyes a few years back. Check out more activities we did for Christmas last year HERE. |
Some letters from the past. I liked this kind of paper too. But these kids could do a lot more writing in 2nd grade. |
Q. What did Santa say to Mrs. Claus when he looked out the window? It looks like rain, dear! (reindeer). Get it?
Q. What does Santa eat for breakfast? Frosted flakes!
Q. Why does Santa love working in his garden? He likes to “hoe, hoe, hoe!”
Q. Where does Santa keep his money? In a snow bank!
Q. What does Santa plant in the fall? Christmas bulbs! haha.
We will add these to our Writing Portfolio for December. Have some Happy Holiday everybody! I hope nobody gets on the naughty list!