In our Reading Streets curriculum the story for the week a week ago was Froggy Fables. So after reading fables and non-fiction books, we decided to do some frog facts writing.
Frog Facts we did during Writing Workshop…… |
Artistic Frogs |
Life Cycle of the Frog Wheels |
More froggy facts….. |
Here we are with our Frog Life Cycles and our Artsy Frogs on a Stick! Notice the cute curly tongues? |
The students loved learning about Amphibians. |
I love to also so some Frog life cyles in science during this week. I have lots of fun frog activities and books to read too. And I always save my Scholastic News if it has a good science
Just some of the books I read to the students over the course of the week. Most of them were non-fiction. |
The above puzzle can be used as a motivating fast finisher activity. The kids love enrichment like this. Here’s the first book I read the kids during FROG WEEK!
This is a WONDERFUL non-fiction book with beautiful illustrations called FABULOUS FROGS. |
Books in our unit…..I always like to mix fiction with non fiction in text sets.
Frog and Toad are Friends by Arnold Lobel
Frog on a Log by Phil Roxbee Cox
Froggy Learns to Swim by Jonathan London
Flashy, Fantastic, Rain Forest Frogs by Dorothy Hinshaw
Fantastic Frogs by Fay Robinson
Fabulous Frogs by Sue Unstead
That Toad is Mine by Barbara Shook Hazen A link for a reader’s theatre of the book is HERE
We do a big brainstorm after reading about 3 Frog books and 2 Scholastic News on Frogs (I save the science ones every year and add them to my units) and we use these facts we’ve collected in our Frog Facts writing. |
Here’s another song we sing to the tune of Jimmy Crack Corn A copy of this is on the back of the frog life cycle wheel. |
Some of the books, weekly readers and word cards I have on the subject of Amphibians
Word cards of different types of frogs and a fun poster book with giant pictures…
More froggy facts….. |
More life cycles of the frog…. |
We also during the week had a couple of docents come from the Living Planet Aquarium to our classroom. They showed us a white tree frog that I didn’t get a good picture of. But they also brought 7 other animals or insects.
We had a hissing cockroach, a few snakes and a gecko and lots of weird insects.
Giant cockroach was kind of gross but interesting. |
Yuck….hissing cockroach from Madagascar…. |
Giant Millipede was a little scary to some of the kiddos…. |
We learned about the 7 continents and sang some songs and marched around the “world” rug. |
This guy could have been a game show host. The kids LOVEd him! |
Here’s one of the 2 snakes they brought from the Living Planet Aquarium….a new one is opening up this summer….. |
The snake was very pretty but some of the kids would NOT touch it! (and I was one of them….lol) |
More frog facts….. |
We brainstormed a long list of facts before we did our own little reports…. |
Here were the frogs before we added the long, red, curling tongues to them…… |
Frog Art Projects…… |
Some great Graphic Organizers and Stationery for starting a Frog writing report is Here at Petersons-pad.
We do this CUTE frog on a stick using CRAYOLA oil pastels on the “dots”. That makes the frog really pop! Then we add a 8 x 1/2 inch red tongue curled around a pencil and attached to the mouth. Super cute! |
I made these 3 layered frogs out of felt and added wiggly eyes. They make cute frog fingerpuppets! The song 5 LITTLE SPECKLED FROGS we attach to the back of the puppet and sing together when we are done. It goes along with our kle, ple, zle, dle, ble, tle and gle phonics chunk we are studying for the week too! Woot! |

Want to tell some FROGGY JOKES? Here are some cute ones!
Q: What happens if a frog parks in a bus stop?
A: He gets toad away!
Q: Why are frogs always happy?
A: Because they eat whatever bugs them.
Q: What happens when two frogs catch the same fly?
A: They get tongue-tied!
Q: What do you get when you cross a pig with a frog?
A: A ham-phibian!
Q: What kind of frog lives in a tree house?
A: A tree frog!

I also had the microscope out for the week and we looked at the frog life cycles underslides….It was a very cool week at school!!!