Gallon Guy Art Project |
Gallon Guy is a kind of Capacity Man. It will help teach the different types and vocabulary for liquid
measurements. This is the one I have in my classroom. It is rather busy though. I would much have preferred a simpler version like Gallon Guy below. Measurement is limited in our core, but since this is a gifted class of kids, I thought I would add capacity for enrichment, and also it is in our envision math section 14.
I do like this Monster Math Guy a lot better. He has all types of liquid capacity terms and you could have the kids copy him but make their own “monster” art project just using the cups and pints and gallons in correct sizes but choose their colors and make their own monster face. You could call it your measurement monsters.
I found this cute pic at Squidoo HERE. It looks fun and easy.
We learned that 4 quarts = 1 gallon, 2 pints = 1 quart, 8 pints = 1 gallon, 4 cups = 1 quart, 16 cups = 1 gallon, etc. |
. This gives you the idea how to structure your own Capacity Man. I’m going to use similar sizes and colors to this guy to make for my classroom.
A nice blackline master of all the shapes can be found HERE at Education World.
OR….instead of monsters we could do Robot faces instead of the boring, white, paper plate. That would be fun!
HERE at No Time For Flashcards I found this cute robot we could use as an idea of where to start on our “Gallon Guy”. The kids could design their own robot faces for their gallon guy “robot” instead of the paper plate which looks kinda plain. Let’s be creative with our gallon guy! Plus we can get rid of some of our paper scraps in the process!
You’ll need 5 sheets of construction paper, each one a different color. One will be for his head (or her head, as the girls always want to make a Gallon Girl), one will be kept whole and labeled “gallon”. The next sheet will be folded into fourts, cut, and labeled “quart”. Then, fold another sheet into eighths, cut, and label “pint”. Finally, fold the last sheet into sixteenths, cut, and lable “cup”. My kids had a ball making these, and stayed focused the entire time. When trouble comes your way (in math), call for Gallon Man to save the day! (directions are from S is for Second Grade). |
This cute rendition of Gallon Guy or Gallon Girl is from Coon Dogs. |
The cutest one I found online was this one….It’s from
HERE is a free download from Amber Polk at Adventures of a 3rd Grade Teacher. It is really cute. It’s a Gallon Man with the body of a Superhero! That would be so fun for my kids too. She has a download for the quart, pin, cup face and chest area. I’m thinking I’ll still do the robot head. Even though superhero is also a cute idea.
2 cups is a pint. 2 pints is a quart, 4 quarts is a gallon. 4 cups is a quart, 2 quarts is 1/2 a gallon. Kids can learn and memorize these volumes with their Gallon Guy.
So HERE are OUR Capacity Robots. The kids named them everything from Gallon Guy and Gallon Girl to
Gallon Bot 3000. They all turned out looking quite cute. I like the superhero idea too but I thought my little guys would do a better job making a creative robot face with scraps of recycled construction paper.
Here was my sample and our class brainstorm for names for the Gallon Robots. They each named their own guy. |
Teaching Volume and Capacity through this art project was great! |
Capacity Man, Gallon Man, Gallon Guy…it’s all the same….. |
Some added necks and buttons to their Gallon Guy Robots too…. |
This one had 3D parts on the face…Love the Billy Bob “Bot” hehe… |
Yes this gallonator looks like a Gladiator, doesn’t it? |
Gallon Girl …but she’s having a bad hair day…..: |
Gallon Girls and Guys – All the kids really understood capacity measurement after this activity…. |
SUPER gladiator! Eek! He’s a little scary looking! |
We did 5 measurement centers to go along with our math unit in measurement this week. HERE is the link to our measurement centers.
Hope you enjoyed our Measurement Men! |
The kids learned how to tell me how many cups, pints, and quarts were in a gallon. Her FREE LINK is HERE. It is by Amber Polk. It is really cute weather you go the superhero route or the robot route, both are great learning tools. And our robots turned out really fun!