For the first day back in school I’m going to teach the kids all about barn owls. I think it will make a cute bulletin board with the title “Whooooo is in Our Class This Year? Then I’m going to get the kids to write about themselves to introduce things they like and do to the class. But we can learn something about OWLS in the process. Maybe make a little OWL fact book!
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Owl paper bag puppet…. |
I found so many cute ideas for art projects too. I have a ton of pine cones in my front yard since I have 2 pine trees. We could do pinecone owls like the ones above from Crafts by Amanda. Or paper bag owls, but both of these looked kind of easy too.
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These cute owl crispie treats are from Jill at Meet the Dubiens. Love them! We could do the same thing using cookie shapes frosted with chocolate. Much easier. |
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Tear art Owls |
I love this art project. I love the moon above although I don’t love the animal stripe prints on the moon. This would be a good project to do after reading Owl Moon.
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This Owl Cupcake is taken from Wilton…I’d use a candy corn for the beak |
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This owl cookie is from Mrs. Attaya’s First Grade website. I still like the candy corn beak better. |
Mrs. Attaya’s website had a good idea for using lima bean “owls” for counters to make individual word problems. They had scenes of a tree and a moon and the kids put the owls on the tree and the moon and then wrote word problems. My students could draw the tree and moon and do the same using maybe some fingerprint owls. Here is a picture of her darling counters.

From That Artist Woman |
I really loved this owl from That Artist Woman the very best. I am going to try a variation on this. I bought feathers from Michaels in earth tones and I’ve been collecting twigs since we’ve been having tons of windstorms here in Utah. I like the idea of 3D. So I’m going to use the egg carton eyes from the paper bag puppet owl and do some white on the inside, black on the outside and wiggly eyes inside. I think it will add dimension and depth.
So I’m going to use a compilation of all these great projects I found on the web. For the body parts of the owl I think we will use tear art. It always turns out so unique and individual and I think that first day back it will be a good ice breaker art project to get to know everybody in the class too!
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This project is from Deep Space Sparkle. Awesome! |
But then I found this wonderful 2nd grade directed drawing project from Deep Space Sparkle. The link to her owl directed drawing blog is HERE. Maybe instead we will paint the owl using these earth tones. Then add the feathers, the twig and the pop out egg carton eyes. I’ll have to make a model. I like the big white moon and stars. We could add some glitter glue in silver and gold for the stars. That would look cool.
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Owl Writing Paper |
I found a cute link to some Owl writing paper. This could be a cute cover and just use lined newsprint for the inside pages or else draw lines on this page and copy it and then do an unlined copy for the cover and lined copies for the inside front and back. Kids can write OWL facts they find in the books we will be reading. This one makes a really dark, clear blackline too. I love it! Kids can make up their own book titles. This cold also be a great creative writing story using an owl as a main character.
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And here is what we came up with! Some cute OWLS I must say! |
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They all look so different too! |
So I’m about ready for my first day. I have my twigs and feathers, my blacklines and I’ll purchase some cookie dough in the freezer section for our owl cookies. I think the kids will love our first day of school.
And I wonder WHOOOOOOOO will be in my class? 😀 I hope I get a WISE bunch!