This week is Valentines Day. We’ve been busy doing Valentine Cards for parents and relatives and making our Valentine Holders for Tuesday’s Valentine Party.
Here’s our finished Valentine Card Holders for the party Tuesday… |
We used big squares of butcher paper in pink, red, lavender and purple for our Valentine Card Holders…….. |
Mrs. Kenner, one of our mom helpers had spent an hour punching out die cut hearts for us last week…. We also added some Mrs. Moss had cut out (scrolled looking pink ones) and she copied some on pink colored paper…the ones with the faces…. |
Here is how to start….take a 24 inch square and fold up the left and right bottom corners to the middle. (bottom of heart) |
Then use a stapler and staple them a bit overlapping in the middle…I use 2 or 3 staples so they are secure. (Just staple the top level, not all the way through…so you have a pointy cone shaped pocket…. |
Then cut around the top of the back side of cone…make it a heart shape on the 2 top sides….like this….. |
Then cut some white poster board 2 inch by 15 inch strips for the “handles” and staple them to the top and the inside front…. |
Like this handle here….then let the kids decorate….I also passed out heart stickers then could use…. |
I stapled them up and down the hallway outside our door….that way they can go around on Tuesday and deliver all their Valentines to the different Valentine Holders with the names on the tops. |
Then we made some parent cards and wrote on cute stationery some Dear Mom and Dad letters and also a buddy letter to our 6th grade buddies. It took us 2 days to finish both letters but they were really cute.
I forgot to take some pictures but they were really sweet and heartfelt letters….
I had a big Tupperware bin full of hearts and cut outs and things to decorate the cards with. |
Kids Valentine Cards were all pretty unique! |
The parent letters and cards got a chocolate heart wrapped in silver attached. The buddy letters and cards just got a sucker attached and we sent them down a package of red licorice for their class. They had just finished performing the play Macbeth. So it was a wrap party snack. |
Cute buddy cards….I forgot to take a picture of all the parent cards but they were even prettier. Who knew they would take more time and effort on mom and dad’s card? Yeah….I knew they would…..mmmhmmmm….. |
Then we made mom and dad a woven heart with some silvery purple or red “kiss lips” attached. They were not easy for the kids because they had to weave in and out on the pink and red. |
This is what they start out looking like….. |
And this is how they turned out… really cute! I hope the parents will hang these cute hearts from a chandelier or light fixture….super cute! |
And here are my little valentines. We went to the Thanksgiving Point petting zoo on Saturday. |
We fed the animals…rode the tractor hayride….. |
And did the pony rides….it was super fun being together with family! |
I found an awesome link to a tutorial on those paper roses I’ve been seeing on craft blogs and on T.V. morning shows.These would have been so cute on our parent or buddy cards too!
The link is HERE at Kids Baristanet for the tutorial. We may have to use this idea for a Mother’s Day card in May.
Barista Kids cute paper roses…. |
She had a really cute way to make an envelope out of a heart too…. |
We made up poems later in the week. I will post those soon. In the meantime….here are some fun ideas for Valentines activities next week.
Make up a silly “Roses are Red, Violets are Blue” poem.
Decorate a card with thumbprints and
write “Thumb”body loves you!
Write cards where each person shares 1 thing that they love
about every person in their family.
Send home sidewalk chalk. Have kids turn the driveway at home
into a giant Valentine’s Day card by decorating it with chalk.
Write an acrostic poem using the letters L O V E.