St. Patrick’s Day Leprechauns we did last week sure turned out CUTE! |
We did some OPINION WRITING since it is on our report card. What is YOUR opinion? Do you believe there are real Leprechauns or not? Hmmm? |
Last week we did a fun activity making green and orange Leprechauns with curly beards and then doing a Graph on whether we believe in Leprechauns or not.
It was 18 to 5 in favor of believing in Leprechauns, of course. |
Here is some of our great kindergarten writing! Gotta love it. |
Do you Believe? |
Then they had to write what they would do if they found one. Most of them would trap it with something……. |
This kindergartener did NOT believe in Leprechauns. |
Cute little Leprechaun beards and glittery hats. |
A poem we read about Looking for the Leprechauns. Lots of the kids had already “seen one”. tee hee. |
Some of the books we read about St. Patrick’s Day leprechauns. |
Then we shared leprechaun traps we had invented. They sure were great! |
I wish I had done a close up of all of the traps. They were all done so well, and were so pretty! |
Great job everybody! I loved seeing your St. Patrick’s Day Leprechaun Traps. I hope you all catch one and get 3 wishes! (If you believe in them of course…..) 😀 |