PRESIDENT’S DAY IS COMING UP! We will be studying some of the best of them this week!
Presidents Day Art Project……make some PORTRAITS OF THE PRESIDENTS! |
A fun maze I found for Presidents Day HERE at free kids crafts.
Here’s George Washington’s artistic portrait! |
And here is Abe Lincoln’s portrait…done by 2nd graders! |
We have been learning about Washington and Lincoln in honor of their birthdays and the upcoming President’s Day Holiday on Monday.
It’s a directed drawing…… |
I did it with the kids on the board while they did it at desks….. |
This was a great trick….so kids could see the close up details…these are little 2 x 4 inch copies… in a library pocket…I passed one out to each student… |
They also each got an outline like this to help start out….. |
Then I had the mom helpers cut out frames in red and blue for the oval portraits….and the kids cut around their oval shapes….. |
The frames weren’t perfect…but they add a lot don’t you think? |
Here’s a fun youtube video that tells a little fact about each American President that we’ve had in the U.S.
It’s funny and it is sung to a familiar tune. The students will love it! Another teachers does a whole unit on Symbols of America that is fantastic. Her link is HERE at Mrs. Jumps Class.
Here’s my friend Marcia’s bulletin board….she added eagles and lots of stars to her kids’ board….. |
We added a star and the typed birth and death years….. |
The kids had their choice of weekly readers to read….some of them read all week and finished them all! |
We also listened to a book on tape of both of their lives….Presidents Lincoln and Washington…. |
Then we wrote facts on the board in two big lists….. |
Some fion and non fiction books on Presidents …..I like to use text “sets” of books to front load all of the content so my kids can learn first….write after they synthesize the information… |
We made portraits of the presidents, read lots of literature books on President’s Day and some Scholastic News and Weekly Readers too. Some of my presidents literature is “just for fun”.
I collect sets of these and save them in magazine boxes for holidays like President’s Day…. |
I got some little individual flags on stands for each of the kids to take home too. Do you think they liked them?
Gavin, Emma and Flint lovin their flags…. |
Gavin did a 4 page report… I loved his work! It was wonderful! |
Everyone did a great job….I loved them all…. |
Then we wrote reports on either president of our choice. Here they are! The kids did a great job!
Peter wrote about Lincoln too….most of the kids chose Washington….which was funny because most of my literature books are on Lincoln….hmmm…. |
I think they liked the look of Washington better…that must have been it! |
President’s Day Art Projects….so cute! |
I found this cute paper on clearance last year….Great for a Patriotic Holiday like President’s Day! |
Some kids wrote about Lincoln and picked the Log Cabin paper instead….it’s cute too! |
Great job on the writing guys…. |
We practiced our spelling list on these Mr. Lincoln puppets….and wrote the spelling words in white crayon….they turned out looking a little….under the weather….and I think the hands are backwards too…… hmmm ….I think sometimes I must not be the greatest instructor!! LOL |
But no matter….have a Happy President’s Day Holiday anyway! And may God Bless America!