I found a cute website that had some downloadable “fish” for you to make your “go fishing” fun family or classroom game. It is at this triciarennea.blogspot.com LINK HERE. You could then get a dowel and a magnet and some string and make a fishing pole for your kids to “fish for a fish”. You could write questions or numbers on the back and you could have a generic or thematic list of questions.
She has other free printable animals too. It’s a fun site HERE. . |
I would have fun with my own grandkids playing this game and then making up some easy questions of any sort. In a classroom the possibilities are endless. You could do it as a anticipation game to introduce your topic, or as a review game with common core questions of any kind!
Fishing Pole and Fish for Singing Time |
Oh, what do you do in the summertime, when all the world is green?
Do you fish in the stream, or lazily dream on the banks as the clouds go by?Is that what you do? So do I! Oh, what do you do in the summertime, when all the world is green?Do you swim in a pool, to keep yourself cool, or swing in a tree up high? Is that what you do? So do I! Oh, what do you do in the summertime, when all the world is green? Do you march in parades, or drink lemonades, or count all the stars in the sky? Is that what you do? So do I!
My class having a super fun time at the Zoo in June. |
This is a really fun song to do in the summer because all your kids are busy doing all of these very same things. Now it might be fun to get out your little fishing pole and add a fun activity along with the song.
(Do you fish in the stream?). You could have kids name every kind of fish or bird they can think of, what kind of fish we eat, their favorite lake or swimming place to go in the summer….the ideas for fun family time is endless.
Well here we are having fun! We aren’t fishing here but we did have fun seeing African animals at our Zoo field trip in June!
This season, admission to Hogle Zoo is:Adults (ages 13-64) $12.75 Children (ages 3-12) $9.75 I’ve found several ways to score Hogle Zoo coupons:1. Visit Les Schuab Tires and simply ask for a Hogle Zoo coupon. No purchase necessary. This coupon gives you a FREE child’s ticket with the purchase of one adult ticket. This offer is good until September 30th. 2. Another option is to check your pop cans. Right now, Dr. Pepper and Coke cans offer the same buy one get one free Hogle Zoo coupon. 3. In addition, specially marked bags of Grandma Sycamore’s bread and Cache Valley cheese offer Hogle Zoo coupons for $5.00 off a child’s admission ticket. These will be available beginning the week of June 10th.
While you are singing try to make up actions with the kids to each of the activities you do in summer. The younger ones will be able to remember words this way. (example…march standing up while you sing “march in parades” ) This would be a fun classroom or family night activity for kids.
Fishing Pole and Fishing for fun Game Time |
The kids love to come up and use the dowel with string and a round magnet tied onto the end. Then the laminated fish of every kind have large paper clips on them. The kids “GO FISHING “ to try to get the magnet to attach on to the metal paper clips and they have “caught” a fish. They love watching each other try to fish too. Then when they “catch” a fish ask them a question!!
Here I am as a volunteer in the Bird Show at the Hogle Zoo in Salt Lake City. This bird was stealing my $5.00 bill! It was hysterical and kind of scary they way they swoop down on you so fast! |
Luckily, he was trained to bring me back some free tickets for next time! It was very AWESOME! My class thought so too! Go see the bird show at Hogle Zoo if you are in town. It rivals any I’ve ever been to! |
They really do have a top notch bird show. They had birds of prey doing all kinds of flying and swooping tricks, and talking rainforest birds of all sorts. |
These birds were so cute. Some of them even danced to the rock music they had playing. It was hilarious. Some told jokes. I loved the beautiful gardens and flowers everywhere too. |
Fishing Game… You could vary it and do some “Fishing for Birds on a giant poster board tree too. That would be fun. |
This fun summertime song also lends itself to just making up motions to swimming, swinging, drinking lemonade…the littler kids would love pantomiming the actions in the song and it would help them remember the words.
I had a lot of fun with these 3 boys all day long. Here we are visiting the elephants. |
Monkeys with a new baby hanging onto her mom’s back. |
They had a new baby monkey exhibit and you can barely see a little baby on the back of the mom here. It was really cute. I snapped a pic of the birth announcement nearby.
These are fun activities to try to create in the summer for lots of kid fun and to get prepared for a new year in the fall. Remember to laminate these fish and birds so you can write questions on the back in NON permanent marker so they are easily wiped off for using again!
Well…..hope to see you fishing on the lake!
Grandpa with little Megan |