Every time I read the book One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish, it brings me back. I am back 20 years ago sitting with my kids around me reading a bedtime story. I still remember the funny little rhymes we all laughed to because they still make me giggle, and I so enjoy the giggles I get from the first graders. Dr. Seuss, you were a master author and illustrator. The books are still timeless fun. I remember calling my daughter a Zizzer, Zazzer Zuzz when she was 3 years old. The name stuck for quite a few years. Who didn’t love the Foot Book, or Green Eggs and Ham, or Sneetches?
My cute class with their hats and “Cat” rhymes… |
Well, today was Dr. Seuss’s birthday and we celebrate every year in school in a national Read Across America day. We wore our jammies, brought pillows and Dr. Seuss books of every kind. I think our class had about 25 different books and several book collections. The kids enjoyed reading to each other and laughing at the funny pictures.
One of MY favorite Dr. Seuss Books! |
Sunrise “Characters” at Dr. Seuss Night! |
We made our hats, did a cool crossword puzzle and a maze and then had some contests to see who could write the most “at” words to rhyme with Cat in the Hat. Then we wrote our own “at” rhyming poems. We tried to be as silly as possible. They turned out pretty funny. Here are a few of them….
Cute and Wacky Rhymes…. |
I made the Giant Cat….my contribution… |
Then we voted for our favorite Dr. Seuss book in our weekly graph.
The Top 5 Dr. Seuss Books were voted on…Winner was….? |
I try to get the kids to graph something every week….It’s easy! |
I think the winner was The Cat in the Hat! I thought Green Eggs and Ham might be the winner, but NO! And, by the way, guess what we had for lunch……yeah….you guessed it…..green eggs……..and ham! EW!
Thanks cafeteria ladies who make it fun to go to lunch! But….. they really didn’t look that appetizing, the kids liked them……I actually forgot my lunch today but luckily I had lunch choice number 2. : D
We actually had Green Eggs! Mmmmmmm? |
We read this in a choral reading…Green Eggs and Ham….VERY NOISY! |
Then we came back from lunch and did a funny choral reading on Green Eggs and Ham. Each table had to read a line going around the room over and over and they started to outdo each other in the expression department. It got quite loud and funny by the end. “I DO NOT LIKE THEM SAM I AM!
Yum! This Ham and Eggs is better than my waffle! |
Lots of Grinchy people everywhere…. at the Dr. Seuss School Celebration! |
Dr. Seuss Cake…yummy! |
Then tonight our school had a party. There were Grinches, Sneetches, Thing 1 and 2 and the Cat in the Hat. We had giant slides and jumping rooms and face painting and fun confetti looking cake. The kids could write on murals about “The Places They Were Going….” or fish at the Red Fish, Blue Fish Pond, or go get a glow in the dark bracelet or exchange a used book for another one.
Thing 1 and Thing 2…..I wonder if they are related? |
There were lots of slides and fun in the school gym…. |
Mrs. Neilsen had to cut LOTS OF CAKE! She’s one of the nicest parents at Sunrise… |
This was a colorful mural all down the wall with kids drawing favorite places…. |
They also got to go to an Oobleck booth and pick up some green, slimy OOBLECK! Fun. The recipe is HERE.To make your own mix 2 cups of cornstarch and 1 cup water in a bowl. If you want to color your oobleck like the PTA ladies did, add a few drops of food coloring to the water before adding to the cornstarch. Then mix the water and cornstarch…it’s hard for a few minutes but keep adding little bits of water till it’s smoother consistency and a little runny. Then of course you’ll have to read the book about Oobleck!
Oobleck is a fun kids activity too….. |
This was my booth, I’m around the corner painting stars on faces…. |
Dr. Seuss Activites for kids…..Face Painting is fun! |
Cutest Cat in the Hat I saw….. |
Lots of fun games with “The Cat in the Hat” |
Fun Seussical Musicals….. |
It was a great day. I was in the face painting booth. I loved painting little “Sneech” stars on all these cute little faces. One little 2 year old came up to me and lifted up her shirt wanting a sneetch star on her tummy, too cute. Her mommy must have read her the Sneetches. She knew the story. Then one of the dads came up dressed as a Sneetch! Too Funny! I wonder if I could ever get MY husband to wear yellow tights? hmmm….
NOT in a million years……: D
Fishing Booth….one fish…two fish….or Face Painting Sneetch Stars…. |
Going fishing at the fishing pond…One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish…. |
It’s amazing that one man’s (Dr. Seuss) creativity and imagination can bring about MAGICAL fun so many, many years later and for ALL AGES! . He had over 40 books published in his lifetime. He is still my very favorite children’s author. Thanks Theodore, for all the good fun that is funny.