Here is my Classroom this year. I’m in a new grade too. This is a Kinder classroom. We have “Star Students” as the theme and lots of lime green, pink, purple and sky blue as the color scheme.
Here is the rug area. I use the board behind the bookcase to teach from at the rug. I do a minimal calendar time and I use the little apple pocket chart to teach sight words and word families from. I have a set of whiteboards and green chalkboards we take turn using at the rug so kids WRITE the sounds/letters daily using word families. |
Here is some of my center games. I have a large classroom library too. At the top are monthly listening post boxes with books and tapes that go with each season. In the bookcase are monthly sets of books that I will read aloud for that month. On the far right is the monthly word bank. This helps the kids with copying words correctly in writing. Each month I change it out for a new icon with words for the month. To the right of that is my computer/ipad center and listening post. |
This is my reading area at the left. The vocabulary for the month that goes with the Journeys series is in the blue pocket chart along with math vocabulary for the week/month. I just add to it. I bought the cute little chalkboard owl and some mini black whiteboards and NEON whiteboard markers I use every day at the reading group. We will do word families and rhyming CVC words for now. Writing is a great vehicle for reteaching sounds, letters, spelling AND writing. DON’T EVER wait to teach writing. It is reciprocal to every other subject. |
Here is my Show Off board in the back of the room. I will put something up we did every 2 weeks all year. The little crayons have the kids’ names on them in alpha order. You can see some of my puff balls hanging from the ceiling. The orange one with the orange star hanging from it hangs over the orange table 6. I have one in blue, purple, lime green, pink too. Math manipulatives and center games are in the back too. Birthday Pixie Stix with big, Happy Birthday balloons are in the green vase in the back. Magnet center is the 2 black filing cabinets pushed together. I have about 8 magnetic games. |
My desk area. I bought this cute, fabric banner at Quilted Bear in Draper. I had my daughter put the Pink lettering on with her Cricut. I love how it turned out. The blue little 3 drawer has “warm fuzzies” in it that each table can earn in competition. I get good teamwork using these fuzzies for motivation. When the table earns 20 they can spin for a big reward. |
A few of the center tables. This is the stamping center. They stamp words and then rewrite them or trace them. The pocket chart center is to the right. It includes a small, tabletop pocket chart full of different games and 2 wall pocket charts.
The decor on this green wall changes every month. I put up pumpkins and witches in October and Shamrocks and Leprechauns in March. And I usually add a new poem or song.
Birthday Pixie Stix and a Box of Bookmarks for the birthday boy or girl.
I get the Pixie Stix from Sam’s Club in the summer and add all the balloons to the top. Then I add some curly ribbon.
Some of the reading area. I got some little camp chairs on clearance from Walmart one year. The tubs are from Hobby Lobby
The rug is from Target. I recovered an old chair in Arthur schoolhouse material. It needs a new cover now I think. 😀
Take home backpacks. I have 21 of them in all sort s of themes from Curious George to Skeletons to Rainforest to Football.
I have 8 center areas. This is the math center. It changes out every week. I also have listening post, reading rug/read the room, computers/ipads, pocket chart, magnets, stamping center, and art center Sometimes I leave out the art center and put math manipulatives or play dough there with some kind of learning game. HERE is ONE I downloaded free off TPT. It’s a work in progress always isn’t it? |