Did you know one of the most famous books in the world is Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter? It outsells other Easter books by far. I have 3 different illustrated copies of the Beatrix Potter story book.
The Tale of Peter Rabbit in a Pop Up Book retelling was really fun and turned out sweet. |

What do we learn from reading this story? Well, for starters we learn Peter didn’t obey and got into trouble. We learned mother knows best! And we learn not to steal from other people’s gardens!
We did 3 pages of retelling and 3 pop up pages with the last one having Peter running out of Mr. McGreggor’s garden as fast as he could go! |
I remind the kids that the problem in the story was that Peter did not mind his mommy. And because he didn’t mind, he got himself in a heap of trouble. And I ask them to listen for the ending where his brothers and sisters get rewards for being good, and he loses his reward and has to go to bed with no dessert. |
Our whole class showing off their Peter Rabbit pop up book retellings….. |
Cute coloring job guys! |
He turns out to learn a lesson about obedience AND not being a thief! |

Here are the pop up book pages in order….. |
Their printing is getting so beautiful! You can tell it is another sign of Spring! |
The students did some cute backgrounds on each of the pages, the Peter is the pop up. |
I have 3 copies of the Peter Rabbit books. The oldest book I bought for my own children many years ago. It is very dog earred.. It was published in the early 60s. I think Ms. Potter is long gone now, but her books are absolutely timeless. I bought the whole gift boxed set of all of her little stories in little pastel 7 x 9 hardback size. They are super cute! The students love to look at the cute pastel pictures and they love the darling characters.
The pop ups make the Peter Rabbit look 3D. |
A flannel board story you can download at this link HERE at For Shared.com.It would be a cute addition to this activity.
Cute kiddos and their cute Pop Up Books. Everybody chose a different colored cover for their books. They were very artistic! |

I LOVED this coloring job. What a cute background! |
I have a whole collection of her books in 4 x 5 pastel hardbacks that the kids love reading as a fast finisher during the week before Spring Break.

It turned out to be a fun writing project. Later in the day we had an Easter Egg Hunt, but I forgot my camera. Yay me! I’ll post some pictures if my mom helpers that day send them to me. THEY didn’t forget their cameras. 😀

Here are a few of my collection of BEATRIX POTTER books all about springtime animals and their human-like adventures they go on.
Well, I hope you loved the pop up books! And we sure had a great Easter Egg Hunt. I think most of the kids got at least 10 eggs. We had over 300 hidden eggs! You should have seen it when I blew the whistle and kids went running wild all which ways! Super cute! And it was over in mere moments!
And HERE at Nick Jr. is a link to some fun Peter Rabbit games and activities for kids to keep them busy at home this Spring Break. Happy Easter Everyone! See you soon!