Presidential Election for Kids

 My students exercised their right to vote in the Mock Presidential Election in our classroom. It turned out that my students called it pretty close.

President Obama won by 2 votes. I have a pretty international classroom so it was a good cross section of American voters. I thought it was interesting how close they were to the actual results.

This cute idea was from the First Grade Parade.


There are so many fun picture books on the theme of Presidents and running for President in an Election. 
These would be great springboards to writing a paper on “If I Were the President” or a letter to “Dear Mr. President” asking for some things kids might come up with that America needs. Those would be pretty priceless!

 We were writing about Veterans Day this week so I had to choose. Maybe later in the week we can write a letter to the winning candidate.

 I told the students a little about the two candidates. Then we voted. They already had their minds made up (no undecided voters HERE!)

Presidential Elections for Kids are a great way to teach some current vocabulary about how we vote in America…..candidates, elections, undecided voters, ballot, etc.

 Our school happens to be a polling place too. So we walked down the hall to the gym and looked inside to see what a voting booth looks like and there were some American citizens voting right while we peeked in!

Here is one of the voting booths we saw in our school gym. Too bad we couldn’t all traipse inside and see what it looked like close up. That would have been a small riot!! LOL (my kids can be kinda rowdy!)

Here was our tally after only 6 people had voted. It’s an even tie; all votes are equal. 

 Here was their “official” ballot. They had to bubble in their choice, then color his picture, and cut him out. I put glue on the backs as they came up to vote. The cute graphics and ballots and things can be purchased from Hooray for Election Day TPT store item from Casey Dawson for $5.50.

 I sent away for a set of Republican and Democrat stickers from Scholastic Book Clubs to make our chart with. I used red and blue butcher paper and then some scrapbook striped paper for the poster chart. A friend gave me a few poster decals and I gave her a sheet of stickers.

After 15 votes it looked like Governor Romney would take the lead……

But, alas, at the end of the day, he was overtaken by President Obama, who won the mosts votes; 12 in all to Mitt Romney’s 10. I was the last to vote. And I lost. Oh well. We Americans get behind our presidents. Good luck President Obama. I hope we have a good 4 years ahead of us!

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