We’ve been having lots of fun learning about Frog Life Cycles! Here are some of the Frog Art and Writing we did this week. And we did a Frog Life Cycle cut and paste too. Check them out!
Frog Life Cycles on top, Frog Art with that curly tongue in the middle, then we wrote Frog reports. They are really great! |
I shared a few pictures I found on the internet with the kids. This is one GIANT frog! Big ones are called Goliath Frogs. (go figure). |
We read a Scholastic News on Frogs and a few cute books on frogs too. |
A few of the books I show the kids during Frog Week. |
This is a great book to read showing the life cycle from egg to tadpole to adult Frog. |
We cut and colored some colorful frogs for art this week. |
Here are the kids with their frog life cycle wheels! Whee! |
A fun Math hands on activity I do is these subtraction Frogs on a Log. They are lots of fun to do. And kids love to play with them in centers. |
Here are the Frog Life Cycles we did. So Cute. The kids wrote the names of the 4 frog stages too. A freebie life cycle wheel I found is HERE on TPT. I also found some cute frog bookmarks HERE at TPT. Both are free. |
Our bulletin board outside has all of our frogs on it. It is very colorful! |
Some great little Frog Facts. |
I loved this little report. It is as good as any first grader could do it! Good Job! |
Frog Jokes
Q: What happens if a frog parks in a bus stop?
A: He gets toad away!
Q: Why are frogs always happy?
A: Because they eat whatever bugs them.
Q: What happens when two frogs catch the same fly?
A: They get tongue-tied!
Q: What do you get when you cross a pig with a frog?
A: A ham-phibian!
Q: What kind of frog lives in a tree house?
A: A tree frog!
This also was an awesome Frog report. I am proud of all of the kindergarten kiddos. They did a good job on this INFORMATIONAL WRITING. |
Frogs DO make a ribbit sound. 😀 |
We made these frog life cycle wheels yesterday to finish up the unit. They turned out cute…just like these kiddos! |
The kids had their choice of colorful wiggly eyes to glue on their frogs. I had some giant eyes to choose from, and all colors. |
Frogs are always a really engaging science topic for little kids. I love Frog Week!
Books in our unit….. I always like to mix fiction with non fiction in text sets. Frog and Toad are Friends by Arnold Lobel Frog on a Log by Phil Roxbee Cox Froggy Learns to Swim by Jonathan London Flashy, Fantastic, Rain Forest Frogs by Dorothy Hinshaw Fantastic Frogs by Fay Robinson Fabulous Frogs by Sue Unstead That Toad is Mine by Barbara Shook Hazen A link for a reader’s theatre of the book is HERE
I copied off the words to a song we sang about frogs and we glued it onto the back of the frog art. |
A CUTE little printable book to copy and color is HERE at TPT and is Free. It is in the same vein as Brown Bear Brown Bear. But THIS ONE at TPT was my favorite. I used this one for the life cycles above. The kids had to color and cut and paste the pictures onto cloud shapes.
5 Little Speckled Frogs Song. I made these felt frogs to go with the song. |
Five Little Speckled Frogs (song lyrics)
Sat on a speckled log
Eating the most delicious bugs. Yum! Yum!
One jumped into the pool
Where it was nice and cool
Now there are Four green speckled frogs
Four Little Speckled Frogs
Sat on a speckled log
Eating the most delicious bugs. Yum! Yum!
One jumped into the pool
Where it was nice and cool
Now there are Three green speckled frogs (keep going down to none)
MUSIC: Sing the song Frog on a Log or 5 Little Speckled Frogs acting out the frogs “jumped into the pool” and use percussion instruments with students as you sing the song whole class. Copy off the lyrics on to an overhead or a poster board to sing along. Or type up individual copies of the song to glue on a puppet. We glued our song on the back of our colorful frogs and sang it together.
The UTUBE song with words link is HERE. A coloring page frog printable can be found at this link HERE. Have fun enjoying our FROGS!