Make your own scrapbook design |
Today we wrote about our favorite football teams. We have a little rivalry in the 2 colleges nearby where we live, BYU and University of Utah. And they had their college rivalry game this past weekend.
Kids’ favorite football teams….. |
There were cheerleaders with pom poms |
And football players with cleats and footballs… |
The boys had to have some footballs and cleats, the girls made pom poms and they all put together their stretch legs and arms. Aren’t they fun?
And look at all those footballs! |
Everybody wears red or blue for the weekend BIG GAME! (I guess the University of Utah Utes slaughtered the BYU Cougars, sniff, sniff) (I bleed blue…alma mater)
Don’t you love all our football “vocabulary?” |
Then I took their pictures and we glued them to helmets or “hair” and put numbers or letters on our football or cheer jerseys. It turned out really nice. So did their “Football” writing.
Ty and Trace are really good friends…..but definite rivals when it comes to football teams! |
I think looking at all the colors that there is a definite winner in our classroom, UTAH UTES! We’ve sure got a lot of red football players and cheerleaders here!
Gavin isn’t into the college teams as much…he likes the PROS! |
There is so much community involvement here and it is fun to watch. I am not that fond of football, but even the kids around our school get into it! They all were wearing their “Red Utah” or “Blue BYU” t shirts on Friday sporting their favorite teams.
Flint liked a team from Wyoming…. |
Se we decided it would be fun to do some Football player and cheerleader art to go with writing about our fav teams. They turned out funny and cute.

HERE is a Football Printable
football helmet printables football helmet printables HERE
So who do you think will be in the Super Bowl this year? Hmmm?